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Job Interview

 A job interview usually comes before any hiring decision is made, also it's used to scrutinize the candidate. Before any interview, an evaluation of all submitted resumes will take place, followed by the selection of a small group of candidates to come in for an interview.

Your job interview will be the best tool, and most important tool used by employers to evaluate future employees. Many interviews will be conducted over a month's time, in job openings that have a lot of candidates for the position and are very popular and desirable.

The first interviews will be with fewer people associated with the employers' side and will usually involve less time, and less complicated.

When every candidate has received their interview, the employer will select the most qualified candidate and start the process of negotiating an offer for the position.

Prep Work

It will be to your advantage to be on top of all your details way before any interview. The #1 reason most employers acknowledge for the applicant not passing the interview is the difficulty they have explaining their own resume.

It is smart, and in your best interest to research all you can about the company way ahead of the interview. Helping to get yourself over your nervousness, you should rehearse replying to difficult put you on the spot questions with a friend, so you can become more relaxed while answering questions.


A typical interview has only one candidate interviewing with one to three people representing the side of the employer. The supervisor in charge of the open position will almost always be included for your interview. While any meeting could last what seems forever it could just as easily end in 15 minutes. An hour would be a good sign of them showing a great deal of interest in you.

The position you are interviewing for will more than likely involve the interviewer asking you questions about your history, work style, situations you have encountered in the past dealing with the job, and they will dig out through question and answer things about your personality, and how it might fit the position you are applying for.

You will be given your allotted time frame to ask all your questions you may have about the position near the last quarter as the interview comes to a close. You are encouraged to ask many questions since this allows you to gain more information dealing with the position you are applying for and the corporation, they will also show the employer that you are very interested in them.

The purpose of any job interview is always for them to assess your suitability to fill the job, this will be your opportunity for assessing the qualifications for this particular job.

Facing the interview of a company is an uphill battle. Well let's face it, some things depend on the mood of the interviewer and to some extent, your appearance. If the person giving the interview is in a bad mood, the interview can be really tough.

Be prepared for any questions from every section of your resume. When the interviewer ask questions relating to your skills section, which you are not comfortable with, try to divert his attention to some other part in which you are an expert.

Give all your explanations in a simple way and be very precise in your answers. DO NOT and I mean NEVER try to make up an answer. That might lessen your chances of getting the position.

Just be yourself in a job interview, that is all they really want to see. With all the questions, I know it will be difficult. But you will have to try to relax, so interview with a friend all morning just to settle yourself. Then go to that interview and take command with confidence in your abilities.

Some Common Questions during the job interview

  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. Tell me some things you know about our company.
  3. Tell me what inspires you to want to work here?
  4. What prompted you to leave your last job?
  5. What do you think are some of your best skills?
  6. What qualifications can you explain to me, that relate you to this position?
  7. What is it that keeps your interest up in a job?
  8. What will you be doing in a couple years from now?
  9. What you liked most and least about your past job?
  10. What are the hours you could work?
  11. Can you please explain why we should hire you?
  12. What type of salary range are you expecting?

Now go to my resume download pages, download, and (save) it to your desktop. Backspace my information, and edit with your own. It's easy.

If you need to look at some sample cover letters, don't forget to visit my cover letter page. You can download the one of your choice and also edit it with your own information very easy and free.

Joe Thurston-Owner of Resumes Cover Letters

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