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- Surveys
Get paid for
taking a survey
This is a free
reference for you as my visitor, so that you may have
the opportunity to make some additional income at home. Don't get me
wrong, you have to work at this to make money but it is possible with
due diligence.
does this work exactly?
In one word (diligence).
You do not need any experience to do this, but
you will have to invest your time and be dedicated to the project to
get paid for taking questionaires. Once you take the time to set up
these steps, and get past your startup learning curve, you will make
goal of Survey Companies!
These companies are paid by big corporations to find out what people
think about their products. To do that they need you. They pay you for
your opinion about a specific product that you give in a questionaire.
This information collection company then sends this information back to
the corporation to get paid, and in return pays you for your general
opinion. In the end they have thousands of answers that they compare,
and this information will tell the product supplier how to improve the
general public's wishes, based on your questionaire you answered.
Survey Companies Simple Formula!
- Corporations
pay these information collection companies to gather lots
of information about their products, and then return this information
to them.
- These
companies will get you to become a member and pay you for your
- You make
money by simply filling out a form and giving your opinion.
you might be asked!
What do you like or dis-like about the product? Is there a feature we
left out that you would like to see in the future? Give some specific
ideas on how you would like to see the product improve! Do you know
anything about this new product? Have you seen it on TV or in a store?
Very easy and simple questions for you to answer and are usually
multiple choice.
much can I make filling out surveys?
Well, this depends on your diligence! Become a member first to a choice
few that you research first. Then after you start with a few survey
companies add more if you have the time. Some people can make hundreds
per week.
will I be paid?
Most pay by check or direct deposit.
Steps to be a Success!
- Get a free
e-mail account to receive your invitations and organize
everything so you can keep track of everything easily.
- You could
have 50 or so accounts if you join a lot of them so keep it
organized and stay on top of it. They all want a quick response from
you in 3 days or less if possible to return your completed questionaire
- Fill out
all personal information when applying and save your
invitation link when you get accepted.
- Fill out
everything they ask completely or you will get turned down.
- Try your
best to fill out the form as soon as you get it. The faster
your response in filling it out and returning it the better your
standings will be with them. They will keep sending your more
questionaires to fill out if you respond quickly.
- If you do
not know anything about the question then search Google, and
by all means answer the question to the best of your ability. Do not
leave any questions un-answered. Also give your complete honest answer.
- After you
have registered with one of your chosen companies, you should
receive an invitation for you to fill out a paid survey. If you do not,
you need to contact them and ask for the reason. Keep after them until
they agree.
- Keep the
contact information of every questionaire company so you have
it handy and can refer to it later when needed.
Take a Look at a Couple!
Stay with me just one more moment for a small review.
a simple, easy online questionaire - $5 to $75 per survey!
Participating in an online focus group - $50 to $150 per hour!
Trying new products.
Watching movies!!!
Click Here!
review: You will need to complete at least one survey per
week. This also has a couple of sample questionaires for you to look
at. There is a one time charge of $34.00. You will then go to the
member's area to start choosing the forms you want to fill out. |
an online survey.
Participate in focus groups.
Take a phone survey.
Try new products and get paid.
Go ahead and give it a look.
Click Here!
Review: Become a member and then get hundreds of market
research firms wanting to pay you for your time for filling out a
questionaire. |
Relax at home.........get paid!!
This is a dream job, no gimmicks.
Over 1300 opportunities.
Try products, that some you get to keep.
Click Here!
Review: This is $49.95 to join. Then you are supplied with
surveys to start filling out to make money. There are samples for you
to look at of a couple of there questionaires. |
a survey for checks!!
Would You Like to Make Easy Money Working from Home Just for Giving
Your Opinion? Major corporations such as McDonalds, Nike, Microsoft,
Click Here!
Review: $49.99 to join. Has a great video to explain
things. Also has a couple of example questionaires to look over. |
JOB! Work from home and set your own hours. You're in control!
Get Paid to Drive Your Car !!!
Click Here!
Review: There is a charge of $34.99 to join. Then you will
receive a $20.00 survey to fill out plus as a member you can then fill
out as many forms as you like to make money at home. |
Effort…Maximum Money!
Discover how to easily get paid just for giving your opinion
Maximum Paid
Watch the Video
Click Here!
Review: Sign up for Paid Crash Course sent to your mailbox
and you get it for free. You can then learn more about this program and
how to make money. |
Many people do enjoy
taking questionaires and getting paid for it.
Focus groups were usually put together for the manufacturer which cost
them money. Now you can simply join some of these or other online
surveys, and they have all the information on their website to get you
started. That is what the membership fee is for. So that you will have
all that information available to you in one place.
The online company has already taken care of the research and provides
it all to you in one package so you can make money. All you have to do
now is apply for the questionaires you want to participate in.
I do suggest that you set up a separate e-mail account to handle your
business for many reasons. Well you don't want spam in your home e-mail
now do you? Also they will be e-mailing you questionaire opportunities
that you do not want to miss out on. So by checking your new e-mail
account for your new business you can get totally organized.
Keep track of everything and have fun. This can be a profitable
This is meant to be a free resource for my visitors who might want
another income source working from home.